Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ice Cream Breakfast

           Ask the small dog...
What shall we have for breakfast littles?
And brown eyes blue with age glance to the fridge
                             Maybe Chinese food
Ask the small dog
             Littles what would you like
Vanilla Ice Cream
Spooned from the carton
                 Share a spoon sitting on the kitchen floor.
Bare legs kissed by rays of sun escaped through mournig clouds.
                                                All from a cold metal spoon.
Ask the white dog
              What shall we have for Breakfast
                                 And hold on to the memories.


Friday, April 29, 2011

Today I...

I have been wanting to share this forever, and I finally have a free moment!

A couple weeks ago I asked the students in my World Literature class to silently respond to the prompt that I had put on the board. The prompt was "Today I..." Inspired by a recent hit pop song, I thought it would be a good way to wake up the students early in the morning and to get them thinking about themselves in some way. While I hesitate here as I might sound self centered, I believe that sometimes it is important to stop and think about yourself. We spend so much time wandering around thinking about the things that we need to do, or the problems of other people, that I think sometimes we forget to think about ourselves.

The responses I got from students were varied. However they got me thinking. How do I feel?

Today I...

Feel absent.

I don't necessarily feel like myself, instead like a shell of myself. I put so much of my time and energy into finishing the first draft of my portfolio, teaching my solo units and completing my Gothic lit class that now that I am done with all of that and finally have time to reevaluate, I feel rather empty. So much of my life seems to have fallen away while my mind was preoccupied with other things. More than anything, what brought on this realization was going on vacation. While there was one person there who know about the portfolio and the student teaching, he had not been watching me go through it and so we talked of other things. We discussed books, tv shows, and nothing. I spent four days not worrying about anything of consequence. And so, now a week after my return I miss the nothing. I miss the companionship of someone whose life does not revolve around student teaching. I love the experience. But I also hesitate now to figure out what to do with myself again. I put my entire heart and sould into this and now it is coming to an end. What shall I do with myself?

I mentioned earlier the feeling of being a shell of ones self. How does that work? You look like you, your voice is the same, you drive the same car, sleep in the same house, but you are not all yourself. You are simply a body going through the motions of living as opposed to actually living. I know how cliche this sounds, and yet I wonder...Is it the lack of sunshine, the exhaustion, the anxiety over a future I have little control over or is it just change that has me feeling this way.

Today I...feel like nothing.