Monday, October 17, 2011

Musings On Reflection

After a few months of neglecting my blog, I have decided to pick it back up again.  I let it fall during the summer and I will cite the sunny wonderful weather as the reason behind my failing to write and keep up with this source of sharing. 

However, the leaves are now falling quickly from the wind whipped trees as another year in Vermont comes to a close.  The citizens of this state, after a rather devastatingly wet spring and summer are watching as fall settles on our fields and back porches.  The leaves, while not as vibrant as last year, due in part, I believe, to the rain, have still popped and are lighting up the Indian Summer sky that even covered almost entirely by clouds is still a brilliant blue that is only found in A Vermont Fall Sky.  Considering that it is getting colder and the hammock in the backyard looks forlorn and empty as it swings slightly in the breeze, no one brave enough to lay their back on it's woven ropes with a good book in hand.  Instead, the rocker, donned with a fleece blanket watches out the window as the leaves fall on birds and squirrels who, like the Vermonters, are gearing up for a long hard winter.  The lamp beside the stove has taken on it's renewed responsibility of gracing the room with light as the world begins to turn monochromatic. 

Considering all of these changes, it is time again for me to pick up the pen, and write.  It is obvious that there is no real theme to this blog besides being a young person in Vermont, and yet I continue to muse on what exactly it means to be a young person in Vermont. 

Now, as an adult without the net of college to catch me, I have jobs and responsibilities.  Sure, I still live with my parents, but there is no longer a place to run to.  Instead my life has become a pattern.  I get up, go to work, and return home.  How strange it is, still, to think that I am an adult and that I am part of a workforce.  All I can say on this matter is that life, like the leaves fluttering from the trees, passes almost too quickly to notice.  Fall just hit and yet the leaves are already lying in abundance outside the window.  And aren't we all passing our days just as quickly?  We watch the world spinning and as I have noticed, nothing ever stays the same for long.  And so, as I have dramatically noticed the world passing me by, I have chosen once again to pick up the task of the blog world and record, even if just a passing moment, what life is really like here in VT.

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