Monday, March 21, 2011

"Isn't It Illegal to give a pop quiz on a monday?"

I guess this type of question should be expected when you ask students to put away their books and take out their notes first thing on a Monday.  I, laughed.  And how could I not?  The question seemed so strange and yet the student was completely serious about what she was asking me.  I asked her where her phenomenal information regarding ed law came from and she told me that since I had studied teaching and "stuff", her words not mine, I should know where it came from.  She was not being disrespectful, and she took her quiz and did her best on it.

If anyone is wondering, it is not illegal to give a quiz on a monday.  And for those who believe me to be a horrible person for giving a quiz on Monday...allow me a moment to defend.  I talked myself blue in the face on Friday reminding them to take notes on paper and be concious of what was going on in the epic of Gilgamesh.  No matter how often I mentioned taking notes, half of the notebooks remained sealed in backbacks and their owners were left to doodle on the edge of a random scrap of paper.  That and the quiz was straight forward enough that had the students read the book there would be no question as to the answers on the quiz.

This leads me to my larger thought for the day.  Why do we all dread Monday so much?  And why are we always so miserable when it comes around?  Consider this, there have been thousands of mondays.  There are more than 48 mondays in a year.  So, what's the big deal.  Why is a Monday so much different than a Tuesday.  If I had the choice, I would lead a revolt against Tuesday.  The second day of the week.  The week has started and yet there is so much more of it to come.  Yes Monday marks the end of the weekend and the beginning of the week, but aren't we all coming into another weekend regardless?  There has never been a Monday that is not four days later matched by a Friday.  And doesn't that make it all worth it?

We dread Monday, refusing to do things that on any other day of the week would be accepted as just another task.  So I wonder....If it's "illegal" to give a quiz on Monday....Is it also "illegal" to give a quiz on Tuesday?

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