Monday, March 14, 2011

The twenty Things I have recently learned in High School

1.  If you can't make them laugh, its not even worth trying.  Funny is everything.
          * This knowledge comes from a mistaken conversation regarding naked Bikram yoga...Something I have never done and yet they thought the concept was hilarious. After that, it was proclaimed that I was "cool".

2.  It's not about where you went to college, what your gpa was while you were in college, or what you do on the weekends.  Its about what you are wearing.  * High School students...they too are all about the scarf.

3.  You may be smart....they will always be smarter.  * Blame Creative Writing for this idea...I cannot please the poet extrordinair

4.  Anything you can do on the "the bomb" 

5.  High School students hate flowery poetry.  "Why would you write something that a normal person cannot understand?"

6.  If there were a class in sleeping, or being off task, I have been informed that not only would everyone take it, but they would all earn A's. "it's just know...laid back"

7.  They are interested in learning...if you can teach them in a new and exciting way that engages them.

8.  High School is not a place to lecture....the best way to teach is to sit with them and talk about it.

9.  A "B" is never good enough

10.  Mr. Hyde may have been the physical manifestation of Dr. Jekylls closeted homosexuality...take that Freud!

11.  Class starts at 8:30 really means...class starts when the music stops.

12.  Shakespeare....."He's da man!"

13.  Teachers DO live at school...At least the good ones do.

14.  Oedipus Rex was an unknowing contributor to incest..."why do we all have to harsh on him so bad?"

15.  If you have girlscout are the most popular girl in the room

16.  Silence really means whispering quietly so the teacher has to pretend not to hear you.

17.  Facebook knows everything...Teachers know essentially..."well nothing"

18.  "That Bird by Bird lady was way far off her rocker".  Apparently snarky, opinionated essayists are the enemy of creative writing students everywhere.

19.  If you have students put their heads on their desks to visualize a setting...they WiLL fall asleep.

20.  Students really care about their teachers and pleasing their teachers.  All they want is attention to help them get there. 

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